The Hermit, Reversed

The Peace Practice draws a monthly tarot card from our favourite deck, The Wild Unknown.  We look at what message the card might hold for us, as a Universal Human Collective, from the perspective of Peace. How might we find Peace in the story unfolding for the month ahead? What do we need to learn to come to this place of Peace?  How do we find Peace within any challenges and messages the card brings?

Welcome to the February 2018 post of our Peaceful Tarot series


This reading for February is all about shining our light into the world.

The Hermit Reversed

You have been still. You have been seeking. You have stayed within your moments and pondered in great contemplation of the inner realms. Your patience has been great as you slowly traversed great deserts with deliberation. You have found, and you have lost. There was sadness and solemn nights alone, tucked away and in darkness – with the light only that burnt softly in your heart.





As you became the seeker of the truth. As you became the searcher to find your own soul. As you became the learner of the ways, you uncovered the story – the story of the great treasure. You moved in the same spirals that the winds flowed and you moved with the beat of Gaia’s heart through your footprint. You heard of the treasures the ancient ones had left behind. Was it left, or just whispered about? No matter, you heard about it, somewhere. You heard the call of the heart through the Divine Feminine voice of Gaia.  My name is Sophia she said, and I speak to you, of yourself and of the intricate web of life we weave together.

Once you heard, you began to notice the birds spoke about it in their song and the flowers sent messages in their pollen. The trees embedded it in the grasses and the beetle rode with it on his back. The rivers softly drew you down the bank as the waters dripped into your consciousness and you floated many times towards the sun.



Ancient codes were drawn upon your being. They reveal a magical oracle etched into your soul. All of which caused you to become a BE-ing not a DO-ing human. Now as you BE, you feel as if your light is illumined. Softly glowing at first, now you begin to radiate and expand the flame with each breath.

It was so, that you sat. You saw your reflection in the cosmic mirror in every pond, every stream you visited. You echoed the memories of the ancient Earth in your bones and you have learned to sit with the patience of peace. You have managed the illusions and waited for the mirage to settle back into the dust before accepting the vision as truth. And as you did so, within the deep meditations and in the stillness of the dark nights of your soul, you have wondered at the radiance of each lantern.




You have learned there is much to learn. You now know that you know nothing. And there is much to teach about the nothing you know. But you also know now that there is no hurry. You can move as slowly as you feel comfortable, but it is a fact that move you must! There is no doubt with this point.  So do not bother to argue that you may not be ready. It simply is the right action to take.  As you navigate the way out from your shell, the light you hold beams out into the great cosmos and beckons you follow that path. Your soul is whispering louder and louder. It is time dear Hermit to BE some more.. So, do not hurry – but do not tarry as it IS time, it is time. It is time. Time to shine your light upon the world.

Go in Peace.


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