All About Reiki
The sacred Reiki energy
Elaine MacLeod
Usui / Holy Fire III® / Karuna Reiki® Master Practitioner / Teacher - Meditation Guide & Peace Practitioner

You may visit our online booking calendar here.
- Reiki activates and helps maintain a lasting relaxation response
- Relieves exhaustion and the feelings of overwhelm
- Stimulates your physical body's natural ability to heal
- Reiki supports other medical and traditional therapies without impacting them
- Reiki is a profound treatment for stress relief - as it concentrates on calming the body
- Reiki comforts your soul
- Connects you to live your life experiences through your heart space
- Gently influences your entire being towards a state of harmonious equilibrium
- Aligns scattered energies
- Encourages a connection to your inner soul/life purpose
- Reiki helps you find peace
In the simplest of explanations, as you work with Source Energy, you ultimately become empowered to become the healer in your world as you take the steps and make the changes. Reiki is energy channelled from the Universal Source, and the Source resides within us and in all things. A Reiki practitioner is the perfect guide to help you to reconnect consciously with your energy. Reiki is a beautiful reminder that this energy is integral to our being. By introducing Reiki into your life, you will begin to remind yourself and understand fully how to tap back into a purposeful and conscious flow.
For these reasons, Elaine describes Reiki as a way to journey back to Source. Not the only way, of course, but channelling or receiving this subtle and sacred universal energy is to channel or accept the very light and vibration of the seed of creation itself.
The graceful energy flow of a Reiki treatment does not focus precisely on specifics, such as an illness, condition or symptom. Indeed, you do not even have to be ill to enjoy the benefits of Reiki. Reiki has its intelligence and will balance and integrate the self to bring oneself back to equilibrium and healing in body and mind.
Reiki is a beautiful and natural aid in releasing stress and tension from the entire system and helping restore and activate the body's natural healing mechanisms. When we reconnect to our inner selves, we reconnect to the Source and the broader human collective. We then begin the journey back to peace and to live fluidly and harmoniously.
The vibrational transmission can feel like a superb radiance of warmth and light that infuses and ‘communicates’ with your physical, etheric and auric bodies. Reiki moves through the grids, the subtle energy pathways in the body, and chakra portals, the energy centres, to allow life force to flow naturally and restore alignment and a sense of deep relaxation and peace. Peace of mind. Peace of heart, peace of humanity and peace within. It brings you towards the reconnection of self. To Source. The very essence of you. In perfection.
How does it work?
Science and medicine are slowly beginning to support and recognise the subtleties of Reiki energy transfers and many other ancient and revered vibrational techniques for well-being. These alternative practices still need to be fully understood. Yet, they are proving, over time and through use in mainstream society, to have significant therapeutic value as the mysteries and the pathway to wellness, although complicated, are slowly unravelled.
There are no formal diagnosis processes, and Reiki works
- Alongside any conventional, complementary or alternative treatments
- With no known side effects or contraindications.
- Many mainstream medical support programmes and hospitals provide access to Reiki as part of a complementary programme to traditional care.
A healthy body is balanced and robust, and its inbuilt system of maintaining equilibrium can withstand a certain amount of stress and environmental exposure. However:
- Tiredness
- Anxiety
- Life or family difficulties,
- Emotional problems
- Exposure to challenging environmental factors
- Intense or consistent build-up of stress
- Hereditary tendencies
- Unbalance
- Declining health
- Compromised sleep
- Sadness or depression
- Illness and disease
- The body's ability to synchronise itself to health
- Heart rate and blood pressure
- The overproduction of stress hormones
- The relaxation response
- Releasing tension and stress from the entire system.
- Restoring the unique balance within the mind, body and spirit by activating the natural healing mechanisms of the body to function more effectively from a harmonious structure
On a more esoteric level, the life force (Ki) energy - fed from the entirety of the Universe, the power that resides within, the energy that is without, the energy that we are, that is everything that exists - is channelled through the support of a practitioner. Thus, it reminds us that the pathway to peace, self-healing and well-being is within us all. Reiki becomes the prompt on an energetic vibrational level, and it is possible to achieve wellness through connection with the source of that energy.
This energy is all responsive, and Reiki heals by flowing through the energy fields of the etheric and auric bodies, in and through the physical, breaking down and clearing negative blocks and creating balance, allowing the life force to flow as it was naturally intended.
Distance Reiki energy
Distance Reiki works according to the Universal belief of The One Consciousness - a spiritual concept that suggests we are all connected, made of energy-matter, and part of a larger collective whole. By working within these precepts, the practitioner can link into the recipient's energy field and direct Reiki's Universal life force energy according to these principles.
We can access this life force (often known as Chi, Qi or Prana) as it flows through every living form. Distance Reiki provides a way to link and channel this force for the benefit of others.
Please visit a complete explanation of the process of Distant Reiki with Elaine at The Peace Practice HERE.
Elaine also works with and integrates Reiki with other modalities in some of her workshops and sessions. These may include crystal placements, creative journeying and sound immersion techniques using the vibration of healing tones through drumming, crystal bowls, tuning forks, and sometimes even working with the Language of Light (Soul Language).
This Light Language becomes a vibration channel of sound and frequency, holding codes of realignment and healing while forming a thread of connection to the deeper cellular levels within the body. In addition to the source energy of Reiki, Elaine may also bring various meditation techniques and forms of spiritual healing to these sessions, which are intuitively offered according to the needs of the individual. If you are interested in the Language of Light, please speak to Elaine personally.
The Peace Practice practices the art of being in Peace.....
The Peace Practice is honoured to support reforestation with One Tree Planted / @onetreeplanted as part of our commitment to sustainability.
(*please note: Holy Fire III® and Karuna® are trademarked to the International Center of Reiki Training)