Holy Fire® Reiki & Karuna Reiki®
Acknowledging that every Reiki method is respected, it is beautiful to be reminded that the essence of all Reiki is the divine unified energy of all things. The practice of Reiki is presented in countless forms, teachings, and schools, and at times, this can be bewildering for those beginning the exploration of Reiki, but regardless of Reiki’s evolution within its teachings', this purity and unity – this oneness – this core essence - is perfect, absolute and constant.
The Holy Fire® energy is a relatively new Reiki energy and was brought through various channelled sessions between William Lee Rand (from The International Centre of Reiki Training), Janice Jones and Colleen Benelli, in concert with different Illumined Masters known collectively as The Brothers and The Sisters of Light.
William Rand continues to work with and refine the original teachings from 2014. The Holy Fire's energy continues to evolve as the planet's and humanity's energies rise.
I teach and practice with the upgraded Holy Fire® 111 frequency. I have courses available for 1st and 2nd Degree as well as the Master/Teacher Level of Usui / Holy Fire 111® Reiki.
Holy Fire® Reiki works on the Spiritual and Soul Levels, embodying the concepts of God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and the 12 Heavens—The Holy Fire is represented in the Bible as the word of God. But we do not teach or use it within religious constructs or through religious dogma. It is a unique, beautiful, lovingly warm, powerful, and potently passionate frequency
The word HOLY represents wholeness, oneness, and completeness. The word FIRE explores the elemental energy of transformation, purification, regeneration and renewal.
As mentioned, we work with the Holy Fire® Reiki energy as an energy that comes directly from the Source (God, Universe, Spirit, All That There Is). Therefore, traditional Usui Attunements are not given; instead, the connection to the energy is through a high vibrational transfer in meditative processes known as Placements and Ignitions.
The energy is installed to the students directly from the Source. It bypasses the channel through the Teacher (unlike traditional Usui Attunements, which are brought through the Teacher’s energy to the student.) The Holy Fire®111 energy ignited at the Master’s Level is compatible and perfectly aligned with the energy of the Usui symbols and Reiki transmissions. At all levels of training in this system, the teachings of the Usui Reiki system underpin the teachings.
The Sanskrit word Karunā in Hinduism epitomises the fundamental virtue of compassion that a spiritual seeker is encouraged to express. Many deities (as well as Enlightened Beings and Ascended Masters) are considered to embody compassion, lovingkindness, and non-violence, so the word is imbued with the layered meanings and teachings of divine compassion. Cultivating Karuna within ourselves helps us radiate healing energy to others. This action brings us to an entwined and interconnected sense of Oneness.
The word also appears as "Kahuna" in Hawaii, generally referring to an important person adept in their field, such as a doctor, medicine man, priest or minister and where the more modern slang term, "The Big Kahuna", points to the 'Boss Man'. When we walk the path of the adept and the compassionate, we align more closely with the teachings of the Enlightened Ones, who are in both physical and spiritual forms. What lays behind Reiki—no matter the type—remains always with the essential Source,
Yet when we place our conscious awareness and intentions with the interconnectedness within Karuna® Reiki, it can guide the channelling of loving, compassionate action, bringing us to an ever higher and more profound healing process. In 1989, Karuna® Reiki began developing through William Lee Rand, his students, and a group of Reiki Master healers. They followed a collaborative path of deep contemplative and spiritually based practices and mutual exploration into various forms of Reiki healing. Over time, William Rand and these Masters also received personal symbols and various Attunement techniques.
Further intuitive spiritual guidance continues to emerge, and after research and experimentation with practices, new symbols outside the formal USUI system began to unfold. They began to be used and demonstrated quite unique benefits. The symbols revealed exceptional abilities, including working with specific conditions at a deep cellular level, facilitating more profound healing, and enhancing the practitioner's intuitive skills. In 1993, William and some of his best students began experimenting further with these symbols to establish their frequencies, potential, and most effective uses. This exploration was spiritually guided and led to the formal formation of Karuna® Reiki in 1995, also known as Reiki of Compassion.
Holding a Master Certificate of Reiki is a prerequisite to learn the melded Holy Fire® 111 / Karuna® Reiki course I teach and it is offered as compatible with all lineages of Reiki Masters.
(Holy Fire ®III and Karuna Reiki® are trademarked by the International Center of Reiki Training, a respected organisation that sets professional standards for best Reiki practices and training methods).