Cosmic Sky





We get a lot of queries and questions on Distant Reiki - here's the complete low down of having Distant Reiki with me (Elaine) at The Peace Practice.

If you’re familiar with Reiki, you may have heard of Distant Reiki. The practice of sending Reiki to someone, at another place, another time – or even in another country.


Frequently asked Reiki Distance questions: 

*Can Reiki be received across the cosmic waves?

*I am in London; you are in Perth, so how can I make an appointment for Reiki?

*Can you come to me for a Reiki appointment?

*I am in a hospital; how can I book a Reiki session?

*I work long days and only can make late evening appointments. How can I have a Reiki session?

*It’s too far for me to come to you. Do you do home visits?

*Is this even possible? 

*How does that even work?

*Why would you have Reiki this way?..


*Is it effective?


Let me unpack these questions for you.

  • Firstly - Absolutely! It is indeed possible and very effective. Reiki practitioners are taught this method early on in their training, and many offer the alternative of a Distant, non-contact session in the comfort of your own home.




  • The foundations of Reiki teach that everything is energy. We are energy. Everything we do, think, and feel are all forms of energy, all running at different frequencies and these vibrations, in turn, create a field surrounding us - our auric field. This incredible field of energy becomes a discerning receiver and transmitter processing through our chakras and meridian pathways, and it is always turned on and plugged into the Universe.  It is an astonishing energy storage unit and a container of information that both receives and transmits from your body, surroundings, thoughts, and feelings.


The Reiki practitioner is taught to connect by intention and their practices to transmit Reiki through the Universal grids of energy to their recipient without being physically present.  This process involves a ‘collapse’ of time and space, and the whole experience is authentic.

 How we do it at The Peace Practice
An appointment/time is pre-arranged.



A series of short questions are asked before the session, usually through a Zoom meet-up, regular mobile or face-time call, or by email if that's not suitable, I ask you to give me an overview of your situation and preparatory suggestions are offered on how to make the best out of the session.  You are encouraged to relax, creating a quiet sanctuary or private space to receive Reiki. It will be suggested to lie down comfortably, play some soft music, maybe light a candle and open your intention.


I intuitively draw an oracle or tarot card to offer an individual message.  I then choose a Master crystal to use in the session aligned to the energies you specifically require at the time. After the session, I place this in a beautifully prepared crystal grid, continuing to transmit the energy to you for the following week.


I will lead you through a short meditative process to help you relax and receive. The energy is downloaded to transmit through your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. Once the session has been completed, we reconnect on for an in-person discussion or a follow-up consultation PDF can be arranged by email for the next day, outlining the transmission, the energies of the card and the crystal used and making any necessary recommendations.  


  • You may find it helpful to consider this option if you:


  1. Have limited time constraints and are busy
  2. Have kids or other obligations in the home
  3. Are unable to travel,
  4. Are housebound,
  5. Immune compromised,
  6. Are managing a disability or injury, or are unwell
  7. In a hospital or at home recovering from surgery or illness
  8. Undergoing lengthy treatment or recovery processes (such as chemotherapy / broken bones/childbirth etc.)
  9. Are living or staying overseas or away from your usual surroundings


The transmissions of Reiki are gentle, nurturing and always given in the vibration of love.


Every person is different in their personal experiences during the session. People have reported heightened relaxation, physical sensations, the release of difficult symptoms, feeling the energy move through the body and almost always, a sense of well-being and calm afterwards.


Some will feel a lot, others not so much physically. Regardless of the experience, Reiki sessions work on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual layers of the body and auric system. The subtleness unfolds a path to help smooth out discordant energies and symptoms and bring fresh energy for vitality and joy. Holding the energetic space with Reiki balances and realigns the vibrational body and aura.  Feeling composed, centred and grounded encourages a natural activation of your intrinsic healing abilities to arise on many levels.

In this unchartered territory that we are all navigating globally, I believe Reiki's graceful and sacred energy may assist you greatly to soothe and soften the confusion, anxiety and angst that is throwing us [and our communities] out of alignment and flow.


  • If this feels like this is what you need right now, or if this calls to your soul level and resonates with you, or if you feel unsafe, insecure, or unsupported, let me help you hold your own energetic space in strength and balance. In the comfort of your own home, with the nurturing cocoon of Reiki, for calm and peace, we can move through these challenging times and traverse the change with more ease of being.


What the clients think about this Distant Session:

"Many thanks for this much-needed session.  I felt the energy come in and fell asleep for a while.  I must have needed it.  I felt as if I was in an incubator, warm and nurturing."  K. V. [name withheld for privacy] 

"I really enjoyed last night's session, and some of the things you mentioned really resonated with me. I will definitely be in touch and recommend your remote sessions to some of my friends who are into Reiki. Thanks again." R.P. [name withheld for privacy]

"Thank you so much for yesterday.  It was absolutely so relaxing.  I have also been having a lot of pain in my legs, and they were all tingly, and I feel much better today."  then, a further update a few days later:  "My throat is fixed!"  C.C. [name withheld for privacy]

"I feel like myself again, for the first time in months!" L.B. [name withheld for privacy]




 I look forward to seeing you soon over the cosmic waves!