Sacred Convergence

The Peace Practice draws a monthly tarot card. We look at what message the card might hold for us, as a Universal Human Collective, from the perspective of Peace. How might we find Peace in the story unfolding for the month ahead? What do we need to learn to come to this place of Peace?  How do we find Peace within any challenges and messages the card brings?

Welcome to the March 2018 post of our Peaceful Tarot series


A few months back the lovely Denise Cann from Seeds of Synergy kindly drew me a card from her Rumi Oracle deck.

I have been a follower of Rumi’s teachings and poetry for a long time and I was so blown away with these beautiful cards and the message that came through for me from Denise, that I put them on my Christmas List!

And they manifested !!! I have so enjoyed them.



I have drawn one here for my monthly Peaceful Tarot reading as a bit of a change from the regular Tarot decks.

I have given my own intuitive interpretation of the card from the intention I always set for these monthly readings – and that is for a message from the perspective of peace for the collective consciousness. (This was written without me using the interpretation from the Oracle deck, which is messaged for the single soul drawing the card.)

I have written out the poem from Rumi’s teachings via Alana Fairchild for your interest as her interpretation in the Oracle guide book is divinely inspired by her connection to the cards, the artwork and Rumi. I do hope you enjoy. (Due to copyright regulations on the Oracle cards I cannot display her interpretation here for you.)



Number 11 Sacred Convergence

As I ponder on this beautiful card I see a portal, within a portal, within a portal. An opening, a gateway, a channel, a path. Movement on the steps are up but also of course go down - allowing a free energetic flow both ways. Traveling softly, much exchange, much support – an uplifting love.


As the portals slowly revolve and create another such opening, another such path  - I see the Sacred Convergence moving into every level, every dimensional divide, every experience.   This Sacred Convergence is a space now available to us, to bring forward into all existence and all experiences.


On the wider cosmic level I feel a massive shift as it opens up the entire planet to receive the convergence and meeting of all beings in existence in all Universes, all minds, all thought forms.


There is a huge energetic influence in this meeting. The card dances with it. There is the energy of our foundation, transformational energy and action of the fire element. The golden and solar influences from Source under-lights the vibrational aspects of such huge exchanges. The card when you meditate with it can be breathtaking with the energy it holds.


I see also in the card another symbolic portal that speaks of the Heart Space within all human beings, which we are graced with. The beating vibrancy that gives and receives life in human form and connects us also to the mysteries and ebb and flow of the Universes beyond ourselves.


The Heart now opens up, expands and becomes a convergence point, the sacred space within ourselves that will always light our way, that will always set the path, that will always receive the combined love of all cosmic beings – if we are to step inside and allow. As we do so, we also step up and outside of our physical selves and open the gateway to a flood of new energies.


The Heart Space portal aligns at this point in our lives to the Divine energies of the Masculine and the Feminine. A fusion and balance now of the Sun and the Moon. The dark and the light. The opposites in synthesis. This too, a Sacred Convergence of All That There Is to bring harmony and balance, support and love.


If we move, travel and live in this Heart Space we will remember and converge with our Higher Selves, our spiritual connections and create the Sacred point to connect ourselves truly with all life, all beings and love. We will find peace within every situation, within every experience, shadow and form that we come across. We can change the world from this gateway, one heartbeat at a time.


For me, this card becomes a divine and timely reminder that we do not travel unsupported. The Universe aligns in all energies and converges with us now, by our intention, to allow us back to love and remembrance if we truly live through our Heart________________so allow your mind to rest in the background, turn the volume down and feel your way forward through the space of the Sacred Convergence. Peace.




From the Alana Fairchild: Rumi Oracle

Roaming about town

The master was holding a light, saying

“I am weary of the demons and the beasts;

a human is what I am longing for!”

The human cannot be found;

We have searched!

“What cannot be found

is what I am longing for!”


Although poor and needy,

I will not accept small pieces of ruby.

The mine of the of the finest rubies

Is what I am longing for!”


One hand holding a cup of wine

And the other, the curls of the beloved.

A dance like this, in the middle

Of the circle, is what I am longing for.


How I have longed for you. My very own. Look no further, for the family beyond your family, the relationship beyond all other relationships, the great love that unveils all other loves to be mere reflections of the one great and true love, is here. For you. Now.


It is I who has sought you through the stirrings of your own heart. Yes, ‘twas I, hidden beneath every secret, yearning for something more, something full, something special, something all-encompassing. Behind every yearning, always, I have hidden. Now I show myself to you, that you may become so filed with the same passionate devotion that I hold for you that your mind will fall away, overwhelmed by the sheer intensity of love tossed into an ocean of silent unending bliss.

Come to me. We are to be one now. In sacred convergence of silent, eternal passion.



With love and blessings this March.



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